About Niño Piamonte

I'm a CG Artist.


Today I am sharing my first tutorial of my recent arch viz render. As requested also from the official VRAYforC4D facebook page.

You can find other file links inside the tutorial.


Download the PDF file.

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High resolution and tileable wood flooring parquet texture with Diffuse, Bump and Specular maps included, 4k resolution for high details in your renderings.

Here is an example of interior render for what it looks like.

Here is the preview of the image:

For more info and links to download, visit Aleso3d‘s blog.

And some related texture/shader posts here.


Preview VasesEames ArmchairEames Armchair

V-Ray Preset Mat, is a pack full of almost complete v-ray materials made for Cinema 4D versions R12 and above, not tested with R11 but still might work. It includes the presets and the materials. What I mean in presets, is that the material in real life can be changeable by its color and texture with less tweaks. While in materials, they could be the standard one and may or may not be changeable anymore. I created the materials but some materials are legally free from VRAYforC4D/VRAYC4D, which I create a library for it.

​Biomekk Enhance:C4D, a plugin for Cinema 4D is needed for some of the materials/presets in the library.

Grab it!

For more preview images, visit my gallery here.

If you like it, don’t forget to like my facebook page.